By default, Sodium will enable all optimizations which are supported on your system, giving you the best experience possible. Not sure how to configure the mod? Don't worry, you probably don't need to. Not sure if you installed the mod correctly? Check your Video Settings screen in Minecraft, which should show our new and improved user interface for changing settings.

Once you have installed Fabric Loader, you can simply place Sodium into your mods folder like anything else. If you are using a third-party launcher, it probably has built-in functionality to automatically install mod loaders. Sodium is a Fabric mod, which means it requires the Fabric Loader. It contains important instructions on how to prevent crashes and other performance problems. Please make sure you read the Driver Compatibility section on our wiki before you install Sodium. It boasts wide compatibility with the Fabric mod ecosystem when compared to other rendering-focused mods, and it does so without compromising on how the game looks, giving you that authentic block game feel. Sodium is a free and open-source mod for Minecraft 1.16+ clients which greatly improves rendering performance while fixing some graphical issues.